sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Os países com maior investimento directo estrangeiro

Ora cá está mais uma lista, cortesia da CNBC, com os países que têm maior investimento directo estrangeiro!

11. Canada
2008 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $44.71 billion (2.6% of world total)
Outflow: $77.67 billion (4.2% of world total)
2007 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $108.41 billion (5.5% of world total)
Outflow: $59.64 billion (2.8% of world total)

Pictured: Ford Motors St. Thomas assembly plant, Ontario, Canada

12. Sweden
2008 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $43.66 billion (2.6% of world total)
Outflow: $37.351 billion (2% of world total)
2007 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $22.07 billion (1.1% of world total)
Outflow: $37.80 billion (1.8% of world total)

Pictured: Customer shops for meat in market, Stockholm, Sweden.

13. Germany
2008 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $24.94 billion (1.5% of world total)
Outflow: $156.46 billion (8.4% of world total)
2007 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $56.41 billion (2.9% of world total)
Outflow: $179.55 billion (8.4% of world total)

Pictured: Airbus factory in Nordenham, northern Germany.

14. Japan
2008 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $24.43 billion (1.4% of world total)
Outflow: $128.02 billion (6.9% of world total)
2007 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $22.55 billion (1.1% of world total)
Outflow: $73.55 billion (3.4% of world total)

Pictured: Workers at Snow Brand Milk Products Company factory

15. Singapore
2008 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $22.73 billion (1.3% of world total)
Outflow: $8.93 billion (0.48% of world total)
2007 FDI Statistics
Inflow: $31.55 billion (1.6% of world total)
Outflow: $24.56 billion (1.1% of world total)

Pictured: Street scene with Convention Center towers seen through slight haze, Singapore

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